Planning officials once again rejected the plan, deciding that three hot food takeaways “from 168 Cross Arthurlie Street to 6 Carlibar Road” would be too many. They said the cooking odour from the proposed takeaway “is likely to cause odour nuisance to the residents of the three-storey flats”. When the second application was launched, environmental health officers reported they had “reservations regarding the proposal for a ventilation system with a low level discharge compared to the height of the adjacent three-storey tenement building”.

However, an appeal has now been submitted which urges councillors on the council’s local review body to reconsider. READ MORE: Glasgow Sauchiehall Street set for £5.6 million makeover with new trees and road layout

They decided too many takeaways in the area would have a “significant impact on residential amenity by means of odour nuisance, noise and disturbance”. The applicant, Amy Li, asked East Renfrewshire Council for permission to convert an empty unit at 196 Cross Arthurlie Street, but planning officials rejected the proposal. An appeal has been launched after a bid to turn a Barrhead cafe into a Chinese takeaway was turned down by council planners.