Professional piano tuner device
Professional piano tuner device

professional piano tuner device
  1. Professional piano tuner device manual#
  2. Professional piano tuner device software#
  3. Professional piano tuner device professional#

Frequent and hard playing can also cause a piano to go out of tune. In newer pianos the strings gradually stretch and wooden parts compress, causing the piano to go flat, while in older pianos the tuning pins (that hold the strings in tune) can become loose and not hold the piano in tune as well. Changes in temperature can also affect the overall pitch of a piano. For instance, changes in humidity will affect the pitch of a piano high humidity causes the sound board to swell, stretching the strings and causing the pitch to go sharp, while low humidity has the opposite effect. Many factors cause pianos to go out of tune, particularly atmospheric changes. Constructive and destructive interference results in a beating pattern in the resulting wave. The two waves are initially identical, then the frequency of the green wave is gradually increased by 25%. The sum (blue) of two waves (red, green) is shown as one of the waves increases in frequency. Many piano manufacturers recommend that pianos be tuned twice a year.Īn illustration of beating.

Professional piano tuner device professional#

Professional training and certification is available from organizations or guilds, such as the Piano Technicians Guild. Piano tuning is done by a wide range of independent piano technicians, piano rebuilders, piano-store technical personnel, and hobbyists.

Professional piano tuner device software#

In practice, a MIDI software can label middle C as C 3-C 5, which can cause confusion, especially for beginners.

professional piano tuner device

For a classical piano and musical theory, the middle C is usually labelled as C 4 (as in scientific pitch notation) However, in the MIDI standard definition this middle C (261.626 Hz) is labelled C 3. In all systems of tuning, every pitch may be derived from its relationship to a chosen fixed pitch, which is usually A440 (440 Hz), the note A above middle C. (See Piano key frequencies for the theoretical piano tuning.) Pianos are usually tuned to a modified version of the system called equal temperament. Fine piano tuning requires an assessment of the vibration interaction among notes, which is different for every piano, thus in practice requiring slightly different pitches from any theoretical standard. The meaning of the term 'in tune', in the context of piano tuning, is not simply a particular fixed set of pitches. The stretch files allow for a very sweet sounding tuning.Piano tuning is the act of adjusting the tension of the strings of an acoustic piano so that the musical intervals between strings are in tune. This is an excellent device for tuning pianos. The strobes allow you to tune in a very intuitive way. I didn't like that at first, but wow, when I tuned the treble section the first time and experienced how quickly and accurately this baby helped me tune I was over it! Once you're aware of it, it's OK but I expected it to be perfectly silent and it freaked me out when I first powered it up. I do wish someone had prepared me for the noise of the mechanical strobes, this thing doesn't run silently, you can hear the strobe discs turning.

Professional piano tuner device manual#

I also use manual mode in my tunings so I won't comment on the auto tune functions. I recommend buying this with both foot switch accessories if you are tuning pianos. I love that it has built in stretch and temperament files.

professional piano tuner device professional piano tuner device

An electronic tuner is never a substitute for the skills of the piano tuner and there are always judgment calls and compromises to be made by ear, but honestly this tuner is AWESOME! I'm very impressed, it allows me to tune quickly and accurately because it's immune to background noise and false beats. The built in stretch and temperament files make it easy to tune and gives excellent results. I use this for tuning pianos - it is extremely accurate and easy to use.

Professional piano tuner device